Sunday, May 26, 2019

JavaScript string memory leak

If you create the following HTML file
      function createString() {
        return "0".repeat(25 * 1024 * 1024).substring(0, 12);

      var arr = [];

      setInterval(function() {
         let str = createString();
      }, 500);
run it in your browser and open the task manager you could notice that the browser takes some limited amount of memory ~200Mb. But what if we update one single digit in our code
return "0".repeat(25 * 1024 * 1024).substring(0, 13);
i.e. replace 12 with 13, run it into a browser and have a look at the process memory. It grows unstoppable and makes the browser crash in a half a minute! Why does it happen?

Every time we call String.prototype.substring function it returns new string instance that keeps .. a link to the original string! That's how V8 organizes memory for strings for permamance reason. Exception is when a new instance string length is less than 13 - in that case no link to original string preserved. So in our example arr contains no just short strings(13), but actually the huge ones (25 * 1024 * 1024). How to avoid it? Unfortunatelly, there is no documemnted method to 'cut' parents from strings, that's because we can do the following (update line 11):
      function createString() {
        return "0".repeat(25 * 1024 * 1024).substring(0, 12);

      var arr = [];

      setInterval(function() {
         let str = createString().split('').join('');
      }, 500);
That manoeuvre breaks the link with the original string and prevents memory leak.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Install NodeJS onto Ubuntu

The task sounds quite simple, but after I failed to do it several times I discovered that would be good to make a post about it. Just to have a step-by-step guide to save time when I decide to do it next time.

Firstly, let's remove old Node leftovers from previous installations
~$ sudo apt remove node
~$ sudo apt remove nodejs

and remove the node folder as well
~$ rm -rf node_modules/

That's time to download and install it in appropriate way. 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

React Tooltip Component published in NPM

Tooltip could be create with pure CSS, that's the example:
Such an awesome tooltip!

But I decided to go further and create a react component and publish it at NPM so that it could be reusable it other applications. That's the component HOC function implementation: