Let's have a look at the implementation.
First of all, don't forget to use the swal script:
<script src='https://unpkg.com/sweetalert2@7.17.0/dist/sweetalert2.all.js'></script>We add a button
<button id='swal-popup-example-button'>Click Me</button>and all the javascript will put inside the click event handler
document.getElementById('swal-popup-example-button').addEventListener('click', function(){ ... });The key feature is that we can use HTML as the popup content
swal({ title: "<span id='save-popup-title'>Saving...</span>", html: "<div id='save-popup-icon'></div><span id='save-popup-message'></span>", confirmButtonColor: "#1a7bb9", confirmButtonText: "Ok", allowOutsideClick: false });To display loading spinner and hide the confirm button we call the 'swal.showLoading();' function. To display the button again use 'swal.hideLoading();'
As long as the popup contains HTML elements we can manipulate it using DOM methods
let popupTextElement = document.getElementById("save-popup-message"); popupTextElement.innerHTML = popupTextElement.innerHTML + "<br/>Initial dataset has been saved";
To change the title and display a 'success' image we also add some HTML:
document.getElementById("save-popup-icon").innerHTML = "<img id='save-popup-icon-img' width=120 src='https://ludu-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/lesson-icons/yWfNH8VAg7yf2SKSaRdu'/>"; document.getElementById("save-popup-title").innerHTML = "Success!";
To add some animation to the 'success' image use the following CSS:
#save-popup-icon-img{ animation-name: expand; animation-duration: 1s; } @keyframes expand{ 0% {transform: scale(0);} 100% {transform: scale(1);} }
You can try it on JSFiddler:
For more information about swal functions and parameters you can ref this link:
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